Alleged Threat sa UC-Banilad ni Shaleej Alejandra posted in fb. 

JUST IN: The University of Cebu-Banilad Campus received a bomb threat on Tuesday morning, August 13, from an unknown user claiming to be Shaleej Alejandra. 

The individual threatened to carry out a massacre using a bomb through a Facebook post.

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) personnel are currently on-site to verify the report and ensure the safety of students and staff.

#TheFreeman #Cebu


Written on Sunday August 11, 2024

Hi, greetings to all of you.

My name is Alejandra Shaleej. I am writing this letter publicly to assure I absorb all the attention I demand.

Ever since I was a child, I rarely have a vivid memory of someone, let alone everyone taking my side of the story or just simply lending me a little bit of time for them to listen to what I have to say for myself. Everybody hears me I know, but I guess nobody listens. Hence, Why this letter is being written.

Maybe this is the only way for somebody to finally listen to me and hear out my cries. 

As a child I grew accustomed to bullying, being left out, being let down, hell even my own parents cant spare time to listen to me. Everybody would just rather cut me off and proceed to living their own lives with out realizing how much they have ruined mine.

To cut the story short, Something terrible happened to me. I knew it was going to happen, I saw it coming. So before it did, I tried to clear out myself in advance in the thought of warning and informing everybody that was close to me about the situation I was in. I knew I was going to be blamed either way but I had a little hope in me. That little hope told me someone was going to listen to me that day and give me trust. Instead, I got the complete opposite of what I have concluded. Everybody started blaming me, every finger was pointed at me, Every worst thing possible you could ever imagine to say to a person was being said towards me. And now I am facing the consequences of a problem that I did not and never did have the intention to cause. I am tired, I have lost all every bit of hope life could ever give, and I am so sick of everybody treating me in such a way just because of where Im from, my race and my physical attributes. Or maybe even all of those arent on the list. Maybe everyone just doesnt need any reason at all to hate me but still automatically do.

With this little bit of time I have in my hands, I would like to take advantage of this and list down a couple of confessions I am to admit.

By the time I have accomplished my final step of life. This will all be on national tv, on every social media platform and by then you will all be reading my story, including my family. This particular part of the story I want my family to heavily take note and focus on because the main hero in this event by then will still be walking, breathing and reading the news among them.

Jimmy C. Bulacan, A very close friend of my father who he brings every now and then to our residual home even when no special occasion is being celebrated. On my 14th birthday, My mother went back to our original homeland somewhere in Ozamis Oriental. I usually go to bed with my mom and my dad, but on that day since my mother was out of town, I was only sleeping in the bedroom with my dad. It was getting really late, my dad was drunk dead and all the other guests were having their own fair share of the fun. Which left Jimmy C. Bulacan a very wide window of opportunity to enter our bedroom while I was alone and unattended. I will no longer discuss all the psychotic he did to me because I want to keep a calm composure while I finish this letter. But you can probably guess what happened the moment that door closed and I was alone with a grown and disgusting predator. His doings never left my heart.

With that said, tomorrow, I will be entering the beloved grounds of University of Banilad, dressed as a student carrying a small bag with no signs ever of planning to mass*acre a school. The bag I have prepared with all of my necessary utensils to perform such mission was already brought in to the school a day prior to this mission by an acquaintance of mine who has the same anger and frustration but towards the school and not generally in life.

Inside the bag there is a mechanical over all suit which my dad used to dress in when he worked as a mechanic, Six hand grenades, one security issued shotgun, one long barrel rifle and a 1911 presidential that I stole from an owner of a shoe shop down in Guadalupe(a good friend of my aunt).

This letter also serves to note that if the university ever dared to suspend a supposed class in which I intend to perform my act at. I will simply go home, pick up another duffel bag equipped with kind of the same tools I have in the other bag I hid in one of the vents in UC Banilad, only move to a different university to accomplish the same act.

If for some reason all schools within the motherland of cebu decides to suspend classes tomorrow, Until I am caught before I ever get to do the job, I will have all the time in the world.

And besides, With or with out me present, The b*mb I have stashed on one of the attics is set to detonate at exactly 12:00pm.

Greetings, Goodnight.
